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First Man | Average Guy Movie Review

A look at the life and career of Neil Armstrong. The story follows the astronaut and his involvement in the space race, during the 1960's, as NASA works to put a man on the moon. Damien Chazelle re-teams with his La La Land star Ryan Gosling to tell the story of one of the world's most famous astronauts. Rather than focusing on the job Armstrong did at NASA, Chazelle chooses to look more at the man himself. It's a bold choice given that you could easily make a movie solely about the Apollo 11 mission. The moon landing itself only takes up a very small part of the movie. But it's a gamble that pays off, when you watch First Man you realise how little you actually know about the man. After a heart-stopping opening involving the X-15 rocket plane, we're brought crashing back down to Earth, as Neil and his family deal with tragedy at home. A tragedy that will affect Neil more - it seems - than the dangers of his work. Gosling is the perfect choice to play A...