When 14 year old Billy Batson (Asher Angel) is chosen by the wizard Shazam (Djimon Honsou) to be his successor, he is introduced to a mysterious new world, that of being a grown up. In taking on this role Billy is gifted with the ability to transform into a fully grown superhero (Zachary Levi) - one with more than a few super powers. Now he just has to figure out how to use them, luckily his new foster brother Freddy (Jack Dylan Grazer) is there to help. But while he adapts to life as both a kid and an adult, Billy must also face off against Doctor Thaddeus Sivana (Mark Strong), a man possessed by a group of demonic creatures - known as the Seven Deadly Sins - who want Billy's new found powers for themselves. Ever since Man of Steel hit cinemas in 2013, there have been complaints surrounding the tone of the DCEU. It was something that this franchise couldn't escape - despite several colourful attempts - until now. Director David F. Sandberg has managed to take that dark...